
i'm meredith

i'm a full stack software engineer

Meredith has curly, shoulder-length hair and bangs framing their face as they look at the camera smiling

As a recent graduate from a web development boot camp, I'm thrilled to embark on my new journey as a web developer. After spending a decade in retail and office management, I rediscovered my love for coding in 2020, a hobby I first discovered when tinkering with HTML and CSS on Neopets as a kid.

For me, coding is a beautiful mix of logic and creative problem-solving, and I find great satisfaction in building tangible products that people can use. I'm excited to make a difference in the digital world and contribute to the development of beautiful and functional websites.

When I'm not coding, I love exploring the great outdoors, training in Muay Thai, and experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen. I believe that a healthy work-life balance is essential to success and happiness, and I always strive to maintain that balance.

My Work

Client Work: Allison Wilson

Screenshot of Client Work: Allison Wilson

Allison is a seasoned HR professional who is starting her own consulting business. I worked with Allison to build a website that established her digital presence and communicated her wealth of experience and services to potential clients.

Tech Stack: Wix, Wix Studio, JavaScript, Google Business

Client Work: Aileen Miziolek

Screenshot of Client Work: Aileen Miziolek

Aileen Miziolek is an established family business consultant and wanted to take her digital brand to the next level. I worked with Aileen's brand manager to design & build a responsive, accessible website where Aileen can grow her platform.

Tech Stack: Wix, EditorX, JavaScript


Screenshot of InStock

InStock was a bootcamp project in which four developers had one week to make a full-stack inventory management platform with a group of 4 engineers, using the style guide and mock ups provided.

Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, REST APIs, Node, Express, Knex, MySQL

Grow a Pear

Screenshot of Grow a Pear

Grow a Pear uses a simple quiz to generate a list of plants that will flourish in the user’s garden, while providing accessible information that explains why these plants will work for them.

Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, REST APIs, Node, Express, Knex, MySQL

My Stack

React logoNode logoExpress logoKnex logoMySQL logoJavaScript logoTypescript logoSass logoHTML logoCSS logoGithub logoGit logoJira logoFigma logoVS Code logoNext logoVercel logoWix logo